Projects are usually divided into chunks or iterations. Finaling is usually the last step or iteration within that project.
With the game finaling, I’d be worried changing the pipeline now.
by Ichiban110 April 7, 2011
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makes me want to crap myself
im going to crap myself during my finals
by guikzfdm December 12, 2006
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The exams you have to face at the end of the quarter/semester that steal your soul :c
I'm fucked for finals.
by ycoj4991 March 16, 2015
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REALLY terrible band in Texas; worst vocals ever, will make you claw your ears out. Hott bassist though. Shitty singer and crappy guitarist formed 'Crimsonia' if you can even call that a band.
'Why are my ears bleeding again?'
'Oh, I guess you've heard Finality's new shit.'
'Atleast you got the 'shit' part correct.'
by fishyyfaceyyy January 24, 2009
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The worst thing ever. Only applicable in high school and intermediate school. Finals can stand for:


Learned (this)


Person 1: UGH I have to take finals.
Person 2: Fuck I Never Actually Learned This Shit.
Person 1: I know. Finals.
by Psudonym1212 June 22, 2009
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to be in the process of taking a final(s), any study related action around or during finals week.
I wish I could go up on the mountain, but I'm stuck here finalling

You go have fun while I'm finalling
by babzmarathonman December 3, 2010
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The final cup in play on the Ruit Table. The cup which if hit frequently can create a legend, but if missed can sink the baller into depression.
"You hit that damn final pal!"

"Someone needs to hit this damn final."
by Steve Santang April 13, 2009
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