Fat Fucking Ass

Typically used by a FDT (fat depressed teenagers), usually during the endless search for a prom dress.
Mom (to her depressed as hell daughter): Honey, what do you see in that mirror?

Daughter: My FFA!

M: ??

D: I simply don't like it...
by Om319 March 7, 2011
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Future Fatties of America

Someone who looks like he/she will eventually go fat if not already fat or as they say, "curvy".
AN Fuller could be the next chapter president for K-Bay FFA... She has Kankles for pete's sake!
by jaybeeml June 15, 2010
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The short form of "Fucking Freaking Asshole ".
FFA is a person which is your fucking best friend and sometimes he is freaking awesome and sometimes a real asshole
Other words :
Sia bardangy(nigga) / lord
Benjamin : you're my FFA bro
Dani: FFA bros for ever!
by Lil danial September 2, 2018
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1. Free For All
2. The Snowman's lazied way of stating definition one.
Coady: Should we play Halo?
Snowman: FFA!!
by foug March 24, 2003
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You need to enroll Charity in FFA, she has Kankles.
by BC_Mike March 14, 2008
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a cult involving witch-craft led by hicks that try to brainwash children into joining it

do not be fooled! they will sacrifice you to their golden heifer. run away as fast as possible
Join the FFA. i cannot force you according to state laws, but i *turns on brainwashing power* STRONGLY SUGGEST you do. *does witch-craft"
by rawr. [fear me] August 29, 2008
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