Term used for a fellow employee who just shit on your day.
Wow, Michelle just called her a Cunt Face Hag. Because she didn't know she was suppose to bring in the tables.
by Davis P March 4, 2014
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A person who not only is ignorant and sometimes acts foolish, but also has a scar on his face resembling a vagina.
Yamcha: I'm right aren't I master.
Master: No, you cunt faced fuck!
by Sacktap June 25, 2006
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A severely vicious and offensive designation used rarely and only against the most sinster of foes. First known use was by David McCarty of the Boston Red Sox at Dwyers Pub in Fort Myers, FL circa March 2005. Witnessed by Kevin Youkilis.
by Malcolm Horovitz April 19, 2005
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An ambitious young adult, usually college-educated, living in or near a large city. They look after number one, and everyone else is low on the priority list.
"Look at that cunt faced cunt over there drinking all the mojito's"
by Craig Mac February 13, 2008
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Someone who slepts around alot ad likes it Everyone gets face full of her cunt.
by Aaron July 13, 2004
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When someone has a unbelievably punchable face. A face begging to be punched.
'Lucy really does have a Fat Cunt Face. If I had my bike, I'd cycle over there and punch her in it!'
by iJALv April 6, 2016
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a word used to describe a dirty cunt after they have surpassed assbag, shithead, and cunt cookie, but has not yet reached the level of asshole that you just want to tie them up with an extention cord and leave them to cry. It's basically the ass grabbing douchebag that we all hate but don't care enough to do anything more than crack a smart ass remark.
Wow, my teacher is a cunt-faced bitch.
by bpakr August 30, 2006
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