A lone penis humper, that is often found as a faggot. Cock Jockey's are usually found as stupid plump bastards. Also known as "Ass Bandit" or "Butt Buddy". Cock Jockey's are not rare, there are seen in your everyday life BEWARE!!
DAMN NIGGA!!! That Cock Jockey over there just ate a 5 foot penis!
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Someone who is riding the bosses junk hoping to land a promotion or be on the boss's good side
Brent keeps agreeing with management , even though he said he doesn't want to work on Christmas . Yea he has been a real cock jockey for mr. Scrooge lately
by Webstersdude92 April 3, 2015
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1. One who worships the penis and will do anything to get it.
2. Loosely used to describe a friggin moron
3. Used against a man to either disrespect or instigate a physical confrontation.
That Jawakatima Luvenisha Jenkins ain't nuthin but a cock-jockey
Hey you cock jockey!!!
That's why your daddy is a cock jockey
by Montee Williams December 6, 2005
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1. A derogatory name for a person who acts differently when alone than when they are in a group.
"Chris is such a cock jockey, he and I had breakfast yesterday and now he is being all cherry to me."

"Wow, that guy rides so much dick he should be a cock jockey."
by Mary L August 4, 2005
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a person that rides dick. either a dirty hoe or a fag
see fag (none british meaning)
by Anonymous April 9, 2003
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A girl that is an expert at handling a cock.
Lauren L. has had every cock in Massillon, she's a real cock jockey.
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