A man who raped several 9 and 10 year old kids, murder of 8 million arawaks while enslaving them, cannibalism, feeding babies to dogs, stealing hundreds of thousands of square acres of land, (Illegally) using biological weapons and diseases to kill 97 million people, and sending over 9000 to Europe as Slaves.
Sure, let’s all celebrate the day of Christopher Columbus, the man who committed too many sins to count.
by iMakeTrashUrbanStuff December 2, 2020
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Infamous Crime infested brick housing project. 12 buildings ten stories.
Newark Nj. Columbus homes had to be torn down after they had become complety overun by crime,trash,urine,drugs,graffiti, violence, etc.
Aleins came up in one building at Christopher Columbus Homes, Stick up kids cut the lights in the hallways and they never made it out the building.
by prmo July 6, 2003
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To lay claim of ownership to something/someone that isn't yours, more commonly associated with relationships.
Girl, I told him that I had a boyfriend now, but he tried to Christopher Columbus me and claim the p**sy is still his.
by DiamondDCee August 2, 2011
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A high school where all the kids are always in the juul room instead of class
Girl: What school do you go to
Boy: Christopher Columbus High School
Girl: OMG can I suck your dick please
by Belensucks May 4, 2018
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Contrary to what the shoddy school curriculum tells you, Christopher Columbus was actually a genocidal piece of shit. Yes it's true that he discovered America, but he brutally attacked native inhabitants of the west indies if they went against his wishes during the slavery era. Some examples of the bad things he did is cannibalising, feed babies to dogs and alligators and of course cheating Native Americans and Africans out of their own land (Colonialism). In short, he was another barbarous and pernicious murderer complicit in a great amount of sanguinary who got his colonists to buy slaves to do basically everything for him and his own territory. Basically in the same way Hitler manipulated the Nazis into murder 6 million Jews.
School: Christopher Columbus was a patriotic explorer who discovered America.


Reality: A bloodthirsty cold-hearted killer. Little do the Native American and African children in elementary school know that Christopher Columbus colonised lands and enslaved people of their ethnicity.
by Rotten Turkey June 14, 2021
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A strong urge have sex with a lot of different people and sail the ocean blue while you are in a long term relationship with somebody.
Dad: What happened to Jack and Jill? They have been together for 10 years!

Mom: Well, after Jack came down the hill with a pail of water, he decided to leave Jill to sail the ocean blue. When Jack came back, he came back with the clap and a boatload of crabs.

Dad: Yea, I remember when I came back from having the Christopher Columbus Syndrome. I gave you syphilis. I think I still got it now that I mention it. Don't tell the kids.
Mom: Those were the days, good times.
by badsailerman1492 July 25, 2021
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People still celebrate him for some reason. He is some old white dude who took advantage of the Native Americans and did very concerning things to them. He doesn't deserve a holiday and he is all around a dick.
You: Did you here its Christopher Columbus day?
Me: Oh that asshole? Who "discovered America" even though he didn't?
by Deforestation sucks May 18, 2021
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