American holiday on July 21. Declared on a scorching hot day in Rochester, NY.
Holy crap, it's 90 degrees in Rochester today. This is officially National Do Nothing But Lay In Front Of The AC With Your Cats Day.
by captainthesaurus July 22, 2011
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If you cat call your a sick fucking human being you know your not even a human if you do that
by Yourlocalitalian March 27, 2021
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Pete the cat day is on July 26th and you must set at least 1 of your profile pictures as Pete the cat
David:Bro it’s Pete the cat day!!!!!
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Making up holidays for each day starting with Cat Day. Cat Day takes place on the 1st of January and is a day when we all celebrate and appreciate cats. If you have a cat, you must act as his\her slave for the whole day.
"You better respect your cat today bro, it's Cat Day!"
by pureboredom May 29, 2020
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This is a day to celebrate your cats fatness
“ Hi it is fat cat day “ , “yes I know my cat is 25 pounds “ , “ my cat is 17 pounds”
by Hi yoyo November 6, 2019
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