when you are dying and have to type that one word that is: qwertypoiu890nnb4$#c#l,bxfhoje)(jfjeMM..><>jifnaf````hifbvcfgyionfua^^I49NAulio7
I was dying so I typed qwertypoiu890nnb4$#c#l,bxfhoje)(jfjeMM..><>jifnaf````hifbvcfgyionfua^^I49NAulio7
by aBoredDeveloper November 9, 2021
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That fuking dumbasses, whomst thinking, that they are fuckin' specials snowflakes, and insulting other shippers in Voltron Fandom.

They are psychologicaly unstable, u need to stay away from them.
-O my god, they're yell again about Klance again, and tell me, that I should die with my ship
- I know, they are such a Klancers (C<l>ancers type)
by Cat?I'mAKittyCat November 25, 2018
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At this point you aren't even trying to break you cycle of boredom and procrastinating you are just looking which combinations of qwerty have not been made yet for absolutely no reason at all, wanna know what to type next? I know, how about you don't type anything and stop procrastinating
Random dude: Hey you!
You: Me?
Random dude: Yes, you!
You: M N B V C X Z L K J H G F D S A P O I U Y T R E W Q
Michael Jackson: Stop it, get some help
Obama: *Turns into Obamium*
by Canimexis May 29, 2021
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You thought you could out Boredom me well you were solemnly mistaken
You: i know m n b v c x z l k j h g f d s a p o i u y t r e w q will not be defined 'sees this page' GOD DAMMIT.
by Doomed man who died of bordom November 2, 2021
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Guy 1: My ass hurts bro
Guy 2: Why does your ass hurt bro?
Guy 1: I got P O L C all night.

Guy 2: Damn you a lucky man!
by Bulldog receiver February 25, 2022
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POV: You came here because you wanted the definition of “C O L D F I R E” but didn’t know he recently had a name change

Search LunarInTokyo on here
ITZthevisitor: “Better then Proto The Pedo!”
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means "like and comment" - used on photo sharing apps like instagram to alert your followers that you've made a new post and want them to like it and leave comments on it. you can think of it as the modern version of "pc4pc" from myspace.
just posted a new picture! l+c plz
by ChickenScrxtch82 January 24, 2022
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