An acronym for "Blade of the Ruined King", which is an item used in the video game "League of Legends" for increased attack speed, life steal, and slows other individual enemy champions.
Let me get cs so I can build my bork.
by Lost Santoryu May 19, 2014
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When it's not quite beef....not quite pork. A delicacy from Cornish meat vans. Bork foot stew being a popular choice among locals.
"Who needs maccys when the meat vans open stacked with bork". " Not going shops I got Bork knee sandwiches for lunch today".
by M7-9 April 27, 2020
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(To bork) verb
To have your art stolen by an obsessed fan, and regurgitated.
Oh shit, some bitch came into my recording studio and stole my lyrics. Then she used them in her own song. I've been borked!
by Kate Borrowkowski July 2, 2011
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1. v. past tense. to have broken something, especially regarding technology.

2. adj. broken.

3. adj. pejorative. people who think that Robert Bork was qualified to sit on the Supreme Court.
1. The Internet connection is broken because I just borked the firewall.

2. The mail server is borked.

3. Rush Limbaugh is clearly borked!
by intelligentsia September 5, 2006
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1. (v) to display your testicles by placing them over your shaft, usually correlated with the element of surprise

-sometimes used as a threat or expression of contempt

-synonym for balkanize
1. I was just chillin on my bed when I looked up and got borked.

-Damn it Pat Wong, if you do that again I'm going to bork you!
by James Frattison May 9, 2011
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1. The common sound of a doggo( See doggo)
"Yo, did you hear that big doggo's bork?"
by TehRealCoralSnek May 27, 2017
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