The ability to reach down someone's pants and be satisfied with whatever you find.
Jane is bisexual
John is heteroexual
Jane had a bisexual affair with John and Jill
by Homicide April 6, 2004
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A person who likes men and women sexually, mentally, etc. Being Bi does not mean that a man is still "in the closet", or a girl wants attention by saying that she is Bi.
That guy is hot! Whoa, so is she!
by SuperSonicX February 1, 2005
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A sexual orientation meaning someone is sexually and/or emotionally attracted to either the male or female.

Does not generally mean they are overly-sexed, confused about their sexual preference, trying to hide their true sexuality or sleep around with anyone they can find.

Bisexulality is quickly becoming more and more common - although often still used in derogatory terms, i.e. to portray slutty behaviour - as people become more open with their sexuality. It doesn't always mean they enjoy both sexes equally.
It is often more accepted in females, although that can also mean they might be thought of as 'easy'.
Katinka, although currently with a boyfriend, has once before dated a woman. Even though she has only been with one woman, she prefers to think of herself as bisexual, as she might be with another.
by Mechanical Ballerina May 18, 2009
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My friend Elaine is bisexual, so sometimes she's with a man and sometimes with a woman.
by Anonymous August 31, 2003
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Bisexual means someone being happy dating or having a sexual relationship with both sexes. Bisexual people are not lesbian or gay. Don't get it confused. They are not sex addicted people who just don't give a shit, they are regular people, bisexual is just a label people give them to make them feel like outcats.
If you can't tell I am bisexual:)
Bisexual people don't care if you have a penis or a vagina, they like all of you the same.
by kittycatlover123 December 31, 2015
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A person capable of having physical, romantic, and sexual attraction attractions towards both sexes. What bisexual is NOT: Sex fiends looking to hump everything in sight. Just a phase of confusion. A fad; though for some females it is considered "sexy" to be bisexual. A person who engages in orgies. (Though some do, I'm sure.)
I'm bisexual. :)
by Dark Child July 17, 2003
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Someone who is attracted to men and women. Some bisexuals (like me) are also attracted to non binary and trans people, but not all genders. (Pansexual people are into all genders and they are NOT attracted to pans. You're not being clever with this dumb joke.)

Bisexuality is not:
-a phase
-an attention grab
-being greedy
-being secretly gay or lesbian
-a sin
-something that can be changed

Bisexuality is a natural sexuality. There are bisexual kids, bisexual adults, and even bisexual animals. It was actually considered unusual in ancient Rome to not be bisexual.

(Bisexuality Day is September 23, but we celebrate our bisexuality every day.)
Me: I'm bisexual.
Person: I'm confused. Are you attracted to guys or girls?
Me: *inhales deeply* YES.
by TheRogueToast July 10, 2018
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