A L A S, act like a stripper.

So much drama in such a small package.

Alas and get your clothes off.
by mecicon April 26, 2008
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Someone who is a asshole and is a manipulative pice of shit
Person 1: stop being a alas
Person 2: no
by Superman151515 June 29, 2021
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The ugliest bitch you’d ever encounter she/he has no dad or life and has depression
Ew look at that bitch ala she’s so ugly and annoying depressed ass bitch!
by Baddestbitch$ April 13, 2020
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came to be a saying when my buddies sister is attempted to yell at you it sounds like this

Steph="YOu punks better stop that"
james="...your gay"
steph"no you gaY"
james="...who gay?you gay

it is now a term used to say hello
walking down the hall john sees james.
john" ALAAAAA"
james *looks back* ALAAA
by jeihan October 15, 2007
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1.) n. The combination of smelling like Armenian ball sweat and un-wiped butthole.
2.) Sweaty fat mechanic stench...
3.) Used as an adjective when the room permeates of a rotten butthole stink.
Bro you need to take a shower you got some ala-funk kickin off...
Russ said today: 'Man I think I got some ala-funk'
by flefliker July 5, 2013
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Its an Arabic word that means "on my penis"

When someone tells you something you do not like it
Guy 1.You should wash my car
Guy 2. ala zouppy
Guy 1. What?
by hazeem October 25, 2014
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Ala mode means "with icecream." Ala mode is usually used in the same sentence as custards and pies.
Friend: Hey can you get me a slice of apple pie ala mode.
Dude: Nah man, sorry we ran out of icecream. I can give you just the apple pie though.
by Luke F July 10, 2005
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