A crazy blonde girl who constantly tells you how many times she throws up. When drunk this girl will scream and yell and tell you how she will "f*ck your life up". She makes pizzas appear out of thin air. She only goes to bed when she is done pissing everyone off and is shoved into her room. May leave voice mails of her crying rants to her boyfriend at two in the morning. Did I mention multiple voice mails? Belongs to EHarmony and enjoys girls named heather and meghan.
TayCraw your being to aggressive tonight when your yelling at phil!
by MBBD September 22, 2011
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Logically enough workplace aggression is specifically aggression that occurs in the workplace. It is commonly found within a toxic workplace and can include a variety of unpleasant behaviours. These can range from verbal, (insulting people, spreading rumours, telling lies or maliciously instituting grievance procedures), to physical attacks (pushing, slapping, punching or attacking with a weapon). It’s the sort of behaviour which, if it was carried out on the street would, in many cases result in arrest by the police or prosecution in the Civil Courts.
by AKACroatalin May 25, 2015
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Cyber aggression is aggression between individuals that occurs online, usually a one-off occurrence or at most happens only occasionally. Interestingly, when it happens, the aggressor has no power over the target of the aggression or there is no intention to cause harm or distress to the target of the aggression, which possibly explains the frequently heard advice “Don’t tweet when you’re pissed.”
In some cases, however, cyber aggression is rather more sinister, when an individual used an online relationship to deliberately intimidate, emotionally harm, manipulate or exercise power over another person when online.
Cyber aggression is becoming more frequent as more people go online, could this be another form of culture clash, or is it just because some people are nasty, shitty bastards?
by AKACroatalin August 18, 2016
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Behavioral condition marked by the subject grabbing female genitalia without owner permission.
Yes, Mr. Donald can get rather pussive aggressive.
If a chick clears you on one pussive aggressive move, doesn't mean you get a lifetime pass.
by msdee November 22, 2016
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Acting upon agression in a non-confrontational manner.
Being passive aggressive is eating the last piece of your brothers cake.. not because you wanted it. Just because he pissed you off earlier and you knew he wanted it.
by wanted my picture here June 12, 2019
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Someone who is very comfortable with physical affection (think Abby Scuito from NCIS) and is not afraid to be bold in initiating it, especially with their significant other.
Boy: "What are you doing?"

Girl: "I'm an aggressive snuggler. Deal with it."

Slightly scared, he put an arm around her waist and let her hold him, not wanting to feel her wrath.
by Writer Chick July 31, 2009
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The term used to define something that is so cute you want to squeeze it.
Halle: Those kittens are so cute I just wanna squeeze them!!!
Jai: I think you may have cute aggression.
by H-Swizzle February 12, 2014
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