Adrianna’s usually have a mean or said face naturally. But once you get to know her and love her up she’s super sweet. She’s a bit of a crackhead and will always have the loudest voice. She says whats on her mind at all times (most of the time she’s right). She’ll roast you if you try to be rude to her or her friends. She’s loyal and honest and will keep any secrets if she trusts you enough. You can ask her for advice and she’ll always give you the right one. You’re super lucky if you know a Adrianna
Person 1:“Whos that?”

Person 2: “oh thats my best friend Adrianna she’s super sweet.”
by Thatgoodsodium November 9, 2019
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Knowing an Adrianna is a true blessing in your life. One of the best cousins you will ever have. The only problem is she lies about going to sleep/doing homework. She always has a crush on a guy w dark hair/a big nose. Adrianna is one of the best people you will ever meet. Don’t ever let her go. The best moments you will have w her will be at 4am.
“Remember the time when Adrianna dropped the bread at Walmart and then tried to put it back?
by Blmacab June 19, 2020
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A beautiful girl , Adrianna is cool when you get to know her. For any boy that is lucky enough to get her better not break her heart or they will regret it. She also has one good ass personality. But just stay on her good side cause if you and her got beef you aren’t gonna wish you did. She is also thick too.
Oh dang there goes Adrianna.
by Errrnoo December 11, 2018
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Absolutely gorgeous angel. Has beautiful dark blonde hair and big bright eyes that change every shade from blue to green. An amazing personality and can always cheer me up. Never gets boring. Super honest and never lies.
Wow Adrianna is so beautiful
by mycababy October 23, 2017
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She is amazing! Very kind and will listen to anything you have to say.She has an amazing singing voice. She is humble and has a great personality. The name means "Dark Princess" meaning person with dark hair or dark skin. Listen to her advice even if you don't want to. Adrianna is a beutiful and kind person.
Today was a tough day I am going to call Adrianna and tell her about it,
by Llama squid February 12, 2017
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a feisty girl, with green eyes, long brown hair, Irish and proud, loves to sing and have fun,you love having her around,has a unique laugh and personality and can always make everyone laugh every time she laughs bright vibrant never mad or sad for to long wares her heart on her sleeve her favorite color is lime green always wants to have fun and is a independent free spirit also very loving and compassionate with a LARGE ASS

also very sexy
Kevin: who's that sexy chick

Brad: oooo that hottie wit body is mmmm..... Adrianna
by celtic love June 30, 2011
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the cutest most thickest girl of them all. grab her up right now she's such a snack. her hugs are real nice. you're lucky to have such great cuddles. she's so cute in her own ways. she's nice and warm, likes guys with braces and curly hair. don't break her heart. your girlfriend is nothing compared to her, she tops everyone from beyonce to nikki minaj.
Dude1: "Yo dude my girlfriend is such an adrianna!"
Dude2: "Woah i might just have to snatch her up!"
by January 31, 2019
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