That’s what’s up
Aarona:hey wyd
Emma:nun just Coolin
Aarona: Tws
by Edsgtfo June 6, 2020
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(Acronym for Tumble-Weed) - Derived from motion pictures and TV sitcoms where the exposure of one's social imcompetencies is met by looks of silenced despair. One may hear the fall of a pindrop or the silent howl of the wind during these painful few seconds.
(At a party which isnt exactly 'going off')
Person A:"Yeah... so how 'bout those ducatis eh?"
Person B: "Yeah...."
(Tumbleweed rolls by)
- jesus spaz
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"TWS"- otherwise known as "Trump Worship Syndrome", is a condition in which a person suffers from an inability to see any fault or flaw, no matter how true, in Donald J. Trump.

It is the polar opposite of "TDS", Trump Derangement Syndrome.
A person with TWS seemingly swapped Jesus Christ for Trump without even realizing it.
There is a spectrum of TWS ranging from slight to severe.
They seem to be hypnotized and delusional.
Mental gymnastics are their favorite sport.
No matter what he does that contradicts the reasons they voted for him, they fabricate a reason, say it's part of his plan to take down the deep state criminals, and use it for justification.

I would go on..but honestly, my mind can't even fathom and come up with the kind of

twisted, delusional insanity that these people believe and belt out.
Donald Trump just shot an unidentified man in the middle of 5th Avenue!
Person with TWS: "He's playing 4D chess, you need to trust the plan and have faith in the God Emperor.
Trump is our savior.
by Clayton Morrow November 30, 2020
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A shorthand and more discreet way of saying "That's what she said. "
"Is that all there is to eat? "
by TWBandit January 16, 2009
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Teen wolf, an amazing show on mtv with hot actors
My favourite show is tw
by The chimera March 31, 2016
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Going skateboarding is TW!
As in going skateboarding is TOTALLY WORTH doing!
TW when describing planning or doing something that's TOTALLY WORTH doing
by 6330 January 27, 2021
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Abbreviated ''Twitter Whale''. The Twitter Whale comes out when Twitter it's over capacity (When there's too much people writing).

People use the # to write it. Like '#TW'.
1. Stupid #TW!

2. I can't change my BG (backgroung) because of the #TW.

3. I hate the #TW
by Reply November 12, 2010
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