JK is the new unlimited Jeep model with 4 doors.....
Damn look at the JK flex...
by HeatherHovey May 14, 2008
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A abreveation of "just kidding". Origanated from AOL instant messenger (AIM). Also stated as JK'ing.
person 1:I heard Canada was anexed into the U.S.
person 2:That is the most retarted thing i have ever heard
person 1:Oh, i was JK.
person 1:Oh, i was JK'ing
by MEMAW March 25, 2006
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Just kidding.

an interesting variation:
jk, jk, jk ROWLING
person1- YOUR UGLY
person2- :(
person1- JK
by bethhhh October 11, 2006
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