the messed up thread on 4chan of gore like people getting their feet cut off or being beheaded

Stuff in the thread
run over
Robert: so i went on the rekt thread on 4chan
Brandon: what about it?
Robert: i saw a man being beheaded
Brandon: DUDE WTF?
by 8408 :D June 18, 2021
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fucked up on drugs
most of the time alcohol or weed or both
or any combination of drugs
or when you own somebody in any verbal, physical, or virtual sense
or when anything hilarious happens to any person
"im so rekt right now m8"
"you got rekt"
by ace subspace July 7, 2014
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The cringy word associated with obnoxious 10 year olds, or butthurt players of the online world who may have been told they have been rekt. It is also the short from for "Wrecked", if you are in a hurry to type it, have no idea how to spell wrecked, or just want to be an asshole.
X_AmazingPvPer_X: u got rekt kid just quit

Trollolol: r you trying to be intimidating m8?

X_AmazingPvPer_X: ur just mad cause bad, and u got shit on u just got rekt again
by ChronicClub July 28, 2016
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What 10 year olds say when they get a kill on COD.
Not to be confused with Wrecked.
by -an admirer November 20, 2016
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A word that any Fortnite or Roblox player uses while boasting about their "win" .
Formally used as, "get rekt kid"
"dayyum man yo ass jst got rekt by my man ninja in fortnut"
"fight me bruh you ass finna get whooped in phantum pforses'
by send me to coachella April 13, 2019
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