when u have sex tom O or travis E.
because you know that shit is good.
damn gurl you cant be gettin sprung,toms not here yet.
by tom oreilly January 7, 2008
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haveing sex with tom O.
"wheres tom we need to start gettin sprung."
by tom oreilly January 7, 2008
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When someone enters your group and basically performs theft on a mutually achieved task.
Joseph was Gettin swooped from my mates nightfall and by god he stole all the loot.
Joseph Swoopington
by dooos1er February 10, 2015
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Repeatedly owning yourself on the internet for a minimum of 96 straight hours
Just gettin my Hoj on showing these libs the truth about Pizzagate
by Carlos Mencia Tha Gawd July 9, 2018
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A euphemism for someone's progression toward drunkenness, much like getting "wasted," "hammered," "plastered," or "sloshed."

Especially appropriate for ballers, or in sports bar scenarios.
"Dude, I'm gonna take some shots. GETTIN' DUNKED!"
"Get dunked, bro!"
by Fistpump Snowbear April 19, 2012
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Living life to the fullest in a carefree manner, like a Big Kid without a care in the world. Partying on a whole Nother level. Having a Mutha Fuckin Hella Good Ass Time! "In Honor of the newly retired future Hall of Famer #87 from Beantown. " Y'all Already Know!
"Are y'all hittin da club up tonight? " "Shit we ain't hittin da club up. We tearin the Ass out that Bitch...We GETTIN GRONK IN THIS MUTHA FUCKA"!!!!!!!!!
by Jdilla March 25, 2019
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