When you challenge an acquaintance to a wrestling match to resolve a dispute. Equivalent to a modern day dual.
A dispute at the office ended in a match in the patch after work in the parking lot.
by Meatdick December 22, 2017
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Here are a few ways to make yourself popular on big-name dating apps like Tinder, especially in big cities. Here are a few (unwritten!) rules in exact ascending (beginning) order:


Use Photofeeler. If you don't know what that website is, search it up on your bar. Photofeeler is THE ONLY reliable website to measure your looks. Aim for 20 to 40 votes, which is the standard factor.

EMPATHY-associated pictures are always encouraged. A picture of you next to a gentle pet - a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a guinea pig, a goldfish, or such similar beings - will increase your matches by a vast percentage.

DON'T EVER use any pictures where you are posing near or inside a car or truck, regardless of how nice it looks. JUST DON'T. Unless gold diggers are what you're aiming for, please avoid the car pictures. And ESPECIALLY stay away from a car your parent or boss owns.

For reuse on dating apps

In addition to the entire Photofeeler section written above, make sure that when you are finished, prioritize the one with the highest total score (all photos should have attractiveness scores of no less than 5.0 out of 10, with an absolute minimum "confidence interval" rating of 4.0 out of 10). Contrary to popular belief, attractiveness alone will NOT get you dates. But smartness and trustworthiness combined with attractiveness will earn you multiple dates and even a whole relationship.

DO NOT mention politics or religion especially if your attractiveness score is less than 7.0.
Life Hacks to Get Matches on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, & Other Dating Apps

Just like that!
by DeezPeanuts May 19, 2022
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A burger match is when you or your friend challenge you to do something amazing and if you succeed you earn a burger, on them.
I got a burger match idea, do a backflip right now.
by T O A D YT August 31, 2022
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A set or pair of something, typically clothing.
“She was wearing a matching play at the party.”
by bulldogyanog July 15, 2021
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Fred Flintstone's Memory Match was produced by Coastal Amusements in 1994.

Coastal Amusements released 68 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1987.

Other machines made by Coastal Amusements during the time period Fred Flintstone's Memory Match was produced include Fred Flinstones Memory Match, Pop-A-Slot, Toy King claw machine, Slam Dunk, Sea Wolf, Powaire Jr. Air Hockey Table, Water High Rise, Roosta Shoota, Bug Blitz, and Big Wheel.
by Your bob September 2, 2022
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A describing word for when a booty call ends in pure hair seamen and icning
I had a William Matches last night with my mum, I rate it.
by The Smeggs December 20, 2019
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When a cock goes too far up a male's ass and causes the liver to rupture.
Damn Joey, you should have seen what happened yesterday, I received that William Matches and it really hurt.
by ...///.... March 2, 2020
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