A good shoe produced by Nike, it is a signature shoe which belongs to Lebron James. However, if an unskilled person buys it, it looks very weird and they look like a fool.
A person with a good sense of fashion - "Wow Aaron, what are those? "
wearing Lebrons - "Uh, those are my Nike Lebrons 10 Soldier, do they look f-r-e-s-h?"
A person with a good sense of fashion - "Umm, I mean they are nice but not with school uniform."
wearing Lebrons - "Shut up mannnnn!"
by YobaBoba June 26, 2017
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1. A LeBron James fan that rides his d!#k to the point of arousal.

2. Believes that there was no other player, EVER, to play on the NBA before he was drafted.

3. Most likely never watched the Heat play until LeBron moved there.

4. Outside of Miami, usually sitting at a bar, in their LeBron jersey.... alone.
1. Did you see the game last night, oooh LeBron went sooo hard!", "Watching the game last night gave me a massive LeBroner."

2. "LeBron is the GREATEST player, EVER, to player in the whole galaxy.... EVER!!!"

3. "Man, I've been a Heat fan since.... uhh... forever"

4. "Why's that LeBroner /le-bro-ner/ just sitting there by himself"
by hearse June 3, 2014
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(Another euphamism for "Taking my talents to South Beach")
Damn, I got the bubble guts! I'll be back. I'm going to the bathroom to "Make LeBron a Free Agent".
by The Encyclopedia Cuyahoga August 19, 2010
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A phrase that Bronsexuals tend to use on Twitter when they see any post on their feed that is or isn’t even related to LeBron.
Bleacher Report posts: LeBron and Draymond linked up in Toronto 🔥

Obsessed LeBron fan comments: This is why LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time
by LeBronTheGOAT23 July 30, 2022
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!ONLY USE THIS IF YOU WANT TO DESTROY SOMEONE BY SAYING THIS PHRASE! An ancient spell that creates a small brown creatures that wears colorful clothing and will tear you enemys apart
by Beebo34 February 24, 2023
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When you feel like a gangsta so you put on blackface and dunk your balls in her grandma and drill a hole in her coochie because you are a smooth criminal and get that slop gawk from her dad
John: “Jessica was talking shit so I Lebron James dunky wunky dick driller thriller gawk gawk slop 3000‘d her ass”

James: “holy shit dude ur a smooth criminal”
by MosquitoBiteInUrEye May 11, 2023
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1. (Noun/Person) When referring to LeBron James as the Goat, typically yelling at a friend.
2. When someone does something amazing.
3. When any person dunks any object.
4. When someone makes an impossible shot (similar to "Kobe" or ",Jordan" etc.)
Friend 1: **throws a milkshake from a moving car into a trash can and makes it**
Friend 2: "LeBron Jackson!"
by 13AquaOrbit February 9, 2023
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