Feminine and pretty, Chloe is a sweetheart
Rather not the type to bully another and is normally the good girl here. She seems shy and cute but she can blow you away with her intelligence and talents. She likes to dance and sing for fun. Has great taste in music and fashion that not everyone would appreciate. she IS the type of girlfriend who will cuddle and play video games with you. She’s a great best friend and girlfriend.
Miss Chloe

by Jongcock6969 May 31, 2019
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Chloe is a very sweet and caring person, she is very loyal and will do anything for her friends. She may not have a very high self esteem and places her friends and family's happiness above her own. If she shares her biggest secrets with you then she trusts you and you shouldn't break that trust. Chloe doesn't trust a lot of people and tends to hide her feelings. Chloe is very smart and is always willing to help people who are struggling, even if she totally hates them. Chloe is very empathetic and will always listen to people's problems. Chloe is very brave, but not in a very noticeable way. Chloe is hilarious and she does her best to make her friends happy. She often feels like she is a disappointment, so she appreciates people who make her feel better when she is sad. Chloe is very opinionated but not a lot of people are willing to listen to her. If you have a person like Chloe in your life, you are very lucky.
Hi, Chloe!
by Chloeisdabest April 20, 2019
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A generally sad mess. Ugly as fuck and would love to drown in coffee. Feels very broken, useless and would love to commit unalive.

And I should know. Because it's my name.
i had to include the word chloe here

by Fish Child October 26, 2020
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Chloe is a girl who everyone says is beautiful but never feels it. She has a smile on her face when everyone is looking but when they turn away it turns into a frown. She try’s to be there for everyone but no one is there for her. She try’s hard for people who don’t try hard for her
Chloe has sad eyes but a smile on her face
by Coco516ilovemydad February 25, 2019
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Chloe is a ratchet ass White bitch in my school who tells us she’s 27% South African to act all hood, she comes to school with thick ass eyebrows, a terrible tan, a messy blonde bun and scrunchies and yet still thinks she looks and acts like a ghetto.
Dude 1: yo that’s Chloe

Dude 2: stay away from her

Dude 1: why lol?
Dude 2: she’ll clap her hands and shout at you if you just walk past her in the hallway
Dude 1: ohhh she’s ratchet.. right
by fredawhosis November 25, 2019
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A girl who really loves art and music. Loves hanging out with her friends. Usually loves food mostly pizza and ice cream. Really nice to whatever boy she is dating. Is really random and uses a lot of weird words. Comes up with the weirdest stuff and says her honest opinion. Usually bullies ginger Katie cause shes a poo. :)
Chloe is cool
by ginger Katie is ginger November 22, 2017
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