It is used for cars and the type of roof they have, the opposite is a convertible as it can change its roof and is not a constant hard top.
"I prefer a hard top car to a convertible"

"I don't think you know what a top is Bob"
by Rex420 January 10, 2022
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Like a Blumpkin, but instead it’s eating a girl out while she takes a shit.
“He gave me a Salisbury Top Hat on our first date! He’s a keeper.”

“What is that?”

“it’s when eat a girl out while she’s taking a shit...”

“Wow you should buy him a ring!”
by Salisbury lover June 30, 2019
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A label that is often self-proclaimed, but rarely justified. It refers to that one dweeb in the group who thinks he can handle the most alcohol. The Top Shotter rarely lives up to his bold claims. When faced with a serious drinking challenge amongst real men, the Top Shotter can be found face down in the nearest gutter with his liver trying to escape out of rectum.
Top Shotter: "Come on lads, everyone knows I'm the Top Shotter"
Real Men: "F*** off Joey we just saw you pay that sexy barmaid for a shot of water"

Top Shotter (after about two shots): "I'm shoo dwunk and I want my girlfwend"
by Witney Kru December 25, 2020
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A person who is so unsuccessful that even an average Joe outdoes a Top L. A person who is capable of nothing in all realms of life
Jim: I heard Jessica rejected Matt yesterday.
Tim: Yeah, he's an absolute Top L
by Dashofliquor November 22, 2022
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When doing group meetings, classes or presentations online and clear off all the junk from table level and pile it on the floor so it is not seen. People that don’t normally work from home have to scramble to do this after a colleague lets them know how bad the pile of dishes, clothes, clutter...looks in the background.
Online classes are such a pain. My bff told me I have to do a top down and put everything on the floor so I don’t look like a slob.
by The Original Tankboy March 27, 2020
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A sex position where the male sits on top of the woman while she's lying down, faces away from the woman, and bounces up and down on nothing (while he has a boner)
Bro I totally did boner on top with your mom last night
by Harvey bonerstein July 20, 2021
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