When you have zero control over the text messages that you are sending. And you continue to text with no response stating all kinds of ridiculous things to the person. Do to your inebriated state. And typically in the morning you have zero recollection of saying the things you did.
"Hi! I'm an astronaut". " You tool you are not responding to me" " You want to have intercourse.??" Still no response"??? "I hate you". "I love you". Next morning... Hi!! I appologize I have drunk text tourettes syndrome and I have zero control over what i say or do.
by oh!hi!girl January 18, 2012
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the spontaneous utterance of socially objectionable or taboo words or phrases while playing a video game and to name just a few: Halo, COH, FIFA and MMORPGS

Having similarity to the most publicized Tourette Syndrome "Coprolalia", the phrases uttered by a gamer with GTS do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of the person.
While playing a video game, the gamer's character suddenly gets ambushed/attacked, dies, or was faced with something unexpected and utters an obscene words such as "F*ck! or B!tch!

Example: The house is quiet and the roommate is playing a video game while wearing his headphones so he wouldn't disturb the other people in the house

In the living room:
Gamer: (out loud) "F*******CK!!!"

At the dining table:
Non-Gamer 1 (Guest): (startled) what? what just happened?
Non-Gamer 2: "oh it's nothing, he just have Gamer's Tourette Syndrome (GTS) when he plays his video games."
by CARMC1986 November 24, 2010
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Here comes tourettes wearing lipstick.
by Burnside February 16, 2005
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Tourettes Syndrome Moonanis Version - is by far the most serious rendering the carrier almost totally insane. Main symptoms are involuntary body movements and uncontrollable verbage. These always include socially inappropriate words and phrases - coprolalia-moonanis.
" I went to Hungary in July and still had the horn at Christmas" -
"Phwoar look at that bird over there.... horn"
"Would you like a cup of tea? one lump or two?"
by Corva December 15, 2004
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An easily diagnosable condition of the tourette syndrome family.

It's caused by an over excitement of unconscious brainwave feelings towards the well known computer game "Resident evil 5" and is mostly traceable to the "Mercenaries" stage.

The player, suffering from the condition will play the aimless mode as normal, will go to melee an enemy, it's during the melee animation the player will unknowingly tap into the inventory screen and quickly, almost Weskerr/Neo lightning quick, transfer the ammo into the gun placement and then exist lavishly out of the inventory screen.

That is a more general indication that the player is suffering from the condition. A more serious diagnosis are as follows and in many of these cases, the inventory is brought up for a split second for the user to then take away, not actually reloading anything, you are advised to see a doctor in these extreme circumstances, or to cease playing this fucking dogshit mode that is about as classic as Andrew Evenstars hair;

-Inventory twitching when hitting a timer
-Inventory twitching when jumping through a window
-Inventory twitching when jumping up/down from a ledge
-Inventory twitching when climbing up a ladder
-Inventory twitching when climbing down a ladder
-Inventory twitching when dashing

And many, many more symptoms

Mercenary tourette syndrome (AKA Inventory twitching) here I go again "RESIDENT EVIL FIVVVVEEEEE"
by Mercenary doctor April 11, 2011
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yelling and or shouting obscene language, often making very little or any sense, for no distinct reason.
"When hit with the pudding, Alex began tourettesing at the top of his lungs through out the entire cafeteria.
by Brian McCarthy October 14, 2007
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Breakup Tourette's is when you use words or quotes frequently used by someone you've gone your separate ways with, resulting in you being reminded of them and exclaiming curse words.
Sarah: "Hey girl! How has everything been going? Long time no see!"
Sabrina: "Oh you know, I've just been talking to puto ass... FUCK"
Sarah: "What's wrong?"
Sabrina: "My stupid ex always would say puto ass!"

Sarah: "I see you got a case of Breakup Tourette's!"
by sm2014 August 19, 2016
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