sam's friend: yo sam look at this pornography staring your mother.
sam: what the fuck
by i talk to sam December 29, 2021
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a high impact sniper rifle in destiny widely used and considered the best pvp sniper
he got me with a 1000 yard stare
by brian epps March 1, 2016
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When you silently pass gas and look over to the person next to you as if they did it

person 2~ I have no idea but it couldnt of been that one guy he was giving the silent ass gas stare
by Cookiemonster0003 October 7, 2009
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A vacant or unfocused gaze into the distance, seen as characteristic of a war-weary or traumatized developer or devops engineer. The number 1024 is in reference to both the 1000-yard stare, and 1024, the number of bits in one kilobyte.
‘After keeping the servers running for the 72 hours after the scandal broke, Aaron stopped abruptly, and a haunted, 1024-yard stare crossed his face.’

'Mason told us about his photo-sharing startup, but as he recalled in horror the things his users would upload, he drifted off into a 1024-yard stare.'
by not_a_tech_bro January 15, 2021
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The ability to tell (from 1000 yards or better) that a person of the opposite sex A) Has a case of fugly face B) Has perpetual bad hair days strung into a "life" C) Is so ugly that no amount of Alcohol in the world can make them look better D) Could benefit from a paper bag on their head

This stare can be useful for finding attractive people as well. You will find this useful when you need a wingman (or wingwoman) for a night, or twenty.
Dude #1 "Hey, did you see that Brunette at 4 'o' clock?"
Dude #2 "Yeah, about 1000 yards before you!"
Dude #1 "Dude! You got the 1000 yard stare!!" (Bows)

Girl #1 "Yeah, my boyfriend found me 1000 yards away.. How did you and (points to non-listening boyfriend) meet?
Girl #2 (quietly) "I caught him staring at my boobs from 2 feet away.."
by SlyDragon January 14, 2010
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Jeff got mad at some guy at a party and yelled over the music "Quit staring at my dick!" and then left the room.
by Mr.I April 21, 2008
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That look that an extra fat person gives somebody when they're dumbfounded...

As though looking at an empty grocery cart.
My fat ass boss gave me the empty grocery cart stare today when I told him I couldn't work weekends, he's such a dumb piece of shit.
by Statutory_Ape February 13, 2011
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