A boot licker; someone intrinsically drawn to defend someone's sordidly twisted actions. Applicable to those a bit too fond of the cops.
"See how hard he's trying to justify this cop's murder of a black kid? What a leather mouth."
by Dodgemaster June 22, 2021
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When an individual is sitting on a leather couch and farts so hard that the air ejecting from the butthole makes a noise that sounds as if the fart is physically "slappin" the leather.
Man, I drank so much beer last night I've been slappin leather all morning.
by hightop071086 January 31, 2011
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When you get aggressively fuck a cow.
Person 1: Yo, did you hear what happened to Jerry when he ran out onto that field?
Person 2: Yeah, he leather tubed'ed a couple of the farmer's cows. I filmed it and put it up on pornhub!
Person1: Sweet! What's the link?
by KittenPopo May 29, 2020
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A person (often times black), who attracts the leather end of a whip.
Did you catch my leather magnet out in the cotton fields? You know what they say: a whip a day keeps the leather magnets at bay.
by Racistsanta October 12, 2020
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Odor females excrete from their lower abdomen while wearing leather pants and having accomplished some type of physical activity.
Damn G that girl had some serious leather fish going on when we dropped them droors.
by Prestoivich January 19, 2012
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To go fast. To speed. As in "hell for leather". Or possibly from horse racing where a leather crop or whip is used.
Honest copper, I wasn't leathering it.

Coming down the back straight the jockey was giving it leather.
by cyberforester December 11, 2013
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