juna luna (verb or something) ;
something or someone that is so nice and stuff, they are so cool and rich and famous as fuck!! juna is the best and if u say otherwise i will personally (me) (bella) will come to ur house and em you are dee ee are you !
"hi juna luna ur so nice and stuff "
by um bella November 5, 2021
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Has no game except when he’s talking to Alicia Vernaza.
Guy: Yoooo I’m Max Lunaing rn
Girl: what does that mean?
Guy: I just got rejected by a girl :(
by Lunter's Father July 5, 2022
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Luna Is a small girl who can be shy and timid around new people, but once she gets along with you it can go to 0 to 100 real quick. She has dark hair and tends to be very pale.
Person 1: Do you know Luna Night?!

Person 2: Yeah we're like bfff!
by Nananananana Jazzman June 12, 2019
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Name of a very unique person with a Lot of Babelus. Likes black people and breakfast. Her best friends are called idahoes
BsjwjBjsjsk tuwa luna
by Babelu December 11, 2016
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A Filipino legend where a full moon causes peculiar reactions in women. Only a few wise men know this legend
She's acting that way because of the Busog Luna
by tizlord14 March 6, 2018
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Eva Luna is the cutest, funniest, most beautiful and intelligent girl you’ll ever meet. You’re most likely to find her saving hurt animals or helping old people with crossing the street.

If you ever meet a Eva Luna, you should count your lucky stars and never let her go, she will be the best friend you’ll ever have.
‘Hey, who was that amazingly funny hottie we met the other day while cleaning the beach for charity?’

‘Oh, that was Eva Luna.’
by Girlwithapassionforturtles November 21, 2021
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