Someone that will be your friend to the point you’ll give him everything you have and then he’ll in two seconds switch out to fucking you over and everyone else in ways you never could imagine.

Damn dude. You’re a whole new level.
by LifeFlewBy July 22, 2021
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A person with a huge penis, usually meaning an Alpha male.
Person 1: Look, a George
Person 2: He is such an Alpha male
by Quicksotic May 26, 2022
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Me: "it's blurry as hell!"

George: "Ur phone quality is trash"
by February 7, 2020
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A name you do not want to be called. Someone may appear friendly, but be aware of this common trap.
Person 1: *holds out hand to greet Person 2*
Person 2: *shakes hand*
Person 1: "Nice to meet you... GEORGE." *Punches Person 2 in the stomach*
by theargh June 30, 2023
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The type of man whose always punctual
“Man that guy Georges just has to show everyone one up by being so punctual all the time”
by Paige Sharkey January 2, 2021
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A guy that will cheat on you with your best friend and comes back to you after you rejecting him then he starts rumours.
Me: I’m sorry I don’t like you anymore
by Person That Likes/Dislike ppl December 4, 2019
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A loyal. kind, inspirational, and kind soul who likes small kids and has always been so cool to me. He also tends to be a great teacher, for example teaching his friends about the reproductive system...
George is a great teacher.
by weyhwej October 3, 2021
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