An extreme pwn.
Two people have to declare it, one says “dot dot dot,” and then the next says, “pwned
~Monarch Volleyball comes back from a 14-21 deficit to win it all~
Mike: Dot dot dot

Mike: Jack, I heard Jeremy was taking your sister to prom?
Jack: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!
Mike: Dot dot dot
Russell: PWNED!!

~n00b shots MK2K in back~
n00b: hahhaha I k113d U !!!111!one!!won!!11!
~while n00b is typeing, MK2K proceeds to sneak up behind n00b and slit his thought~
n00b: 7YP3 KI113R TYP3R KILLER, 7HI5 IS G4Y!!!!one!!11!
~n00b leaves game~
MK2K: Dot dot dot
Jester35: pwned
by Mizike May 22, 2005
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when two or more people comepletely pwn another person twice.
allen and tom double team pwned phil when phil said that there are no mountians in michigan and that there arent any mountian lions in michigan
by so tasty February 12, 2009
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When pwned with a missle that is guided by a T.V screen
in battlefield 2 i hit a enemy heli with a tow missle in the engine from a heli where i came up with T.Ved pwned
by nOOb-Eatr April 2, 2007
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Use of speaker phone to ambush/embarrass someone on the other end of the line, who is unaware that the speaker feature is in use.
So, Christie was just on the phone with her boyfriend and was singing in this hideous voice, only to realize he had her on speaker phone and his buddy heard it all.....That, my friend, is what I like to call "speaker pwned."
by Mudhut July 25, 2008
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While true origin is unknown, people have guessed that either
A: it's A combination between Poned and Owned. These both mean the same thing but are less powerful. Kind of like breasts compare to boobs and tits

B: It's a misspeling of owned, discovered by people playing World of Warcraft.

The definition means you got beaten by someone so bad that it's literally unforgivable and inexcusable.

A word spouted by a random fag whom has no knowledge of what it actually means. Refer to "Gay"
Bob: Wow Frank, you just got pwned at that round of Call Of Faggotry. Thats unforgivable!
Frank: STFU!

Bob: Pwned epic swaggerness!
Frank: Stfu.... Please for your safety.
by Chaosbeast11 January 30, 2014
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The total domination of a thing or person.
The word PWNED originated from the word PWN, which originated from own, then cat.
Hey Liu *punchs* pwned
Best Porn ever?!?!? *rickrolled* pwned
by burgerrawr March 19, 2010
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