The act of collecting all the broken useless garbage around your house and returning it to Walmart for gift cards.
My baby daddy got locked up and now we ain't got no food. I'm a take back all these half used paint cans and cleaning supplies i don't use and get me some Walmart Welfare.
by Princess Punkass December 16, 2017
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The lowest of the lows. Generally poor, straight-out-of-high-school, teens that management likes to fuck in the ass, figuratively. Bottom of the list.
Homie #1: Bro, we should totally hang out this weekend
Homie #2: I wish I could but, I'm a Walmart associate.
by Walmart Backroom Associate September 27, 2017
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A pair of Jordan's, (a basketball shoe made by Nike using Micheal Jordan's name, sometimes called J's) that are so beat up, old, fake, and/or obscure that they look like they could have been purchased at Walmart. (Note: to my knowledge, Jordan's aren't actually sold at Walmart)
Person 1: "Did you see Josh's Jordan's, they suck"
Person 2: "Yeah, those are some Walmart J's right there"
by The Original Fin January 22, 2015
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When you are having petty as hoe Sex because your a scank
by Cjdoe January 17, 2016
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When a relationship ends in the same way that WalMart fires employees... You don't officially get fired, your shifts just get reduced to nothing.
I think Bertha and I may have had a WalMart Breakup. We kind of just... stopped having sex. I'm not even sure I'm not still in a relationship after all this time.
by rocky-roadhouse-icecream March 21, 2016
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A word describing the feeling you get after grocery shopping for too long.
Child: Momma can we please leave? I'm getting Walmart-sick. Mom: I know, me too! I'm hurrying.
by little red's momma September 3, 2012
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Someone who would be of average attractiveness in a normal setting, but is a 10/10 when they are at Walmart
"Bro check out that girl she is so hot"
"Nah man she's just a Walmart Dime"
by Jsurps April 27, 2015
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