To get your diddy on means to basically do you, do what ever u feel u wanna do at that paticular time
thats my shit! bout to get my DIDDY ON
by stylez-Benji November 17, 2010
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crem diddy crem is a saying to describe banging good weed

mate this weed I got of mahammed is the crem diddy crem, you get me fam.
by stonedwylie September 28, 2017
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I miss having such a diddy baba 🥺🥺
by November 18, 2021
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Lower level worker with low intellect who assumes their job entails nothing more than sitting on their ass and displays passive aggression towards actually doing ones job
The ol Diddy whopper behind the desk huffed his way back to my room to unlock it because he gets paid to twiddle his thumbs and watch nonsense television
by Desert lightning February 24, 2016
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The action of fucking a woman between the tits
She was on the blob and I was needing more than a wank , so she gave me a diddy roll
by Napoleon BonerPart February 4, 2023
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a word for describing a truely great event. i.e something you have found spiffing

Basically a more elaborate form of spiffing
by spiffing chap September 1, 2010
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