A Satan worshipper who likes using homophobic terms in her songs.
Taylor Swift once said, “Shade never made anybody less gay.”
by Kierszhmeister82 September 23, 2019
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When a girl sucks your butt-hole and takes a hit of your fart from your asshole. Then kisses you and shares it with you
This morning I had Taylor Swift breath because I ate my dogs butthole
by john RE. illish October 7, 2013
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The Taylor Swift syndrome is when a person male or female cannot seem to hold on to a man/woman. It seems that everyone there with breaks up with them, they always end up alone.

Said person fails to realize that maybe the problem is THEM, and not the people they have tried to date.
you never seem to be able to hold onto a man or a woman you must have the Taylor Swift syndrome. Maybe you are the problem!
by Sbouda21 August 31, 2017
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The deaf girl from Scream Queens that loves Taylor Swift
Deaf Taylor Swift just got her head mowed off
by ZJay412 November 1, 2020
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A girl who constantly posts on Social Media about how horrible the guy is that she just ended a relationship with. Not realizing that she might be the problem, or that she should date better guys, therefore she is the problem by default for making such a stupid choice.
Person 1: "Dude Susie is all over social media bashing the guy that just cheated on her."

Person 2: "Give her a week and they will be back together, or she will be dating another loser, because she is a moron."

Person 1: "You mean I am going to have to listen to this crap again?"

Person 2: "Many times my friend, many times. She is a Social Media Taylor Swift."
by Hey Jack June 7, 2017
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Women that all ways get there heart broken for a reason or break some one else
Ashantia got her hurt broken by ejelof and go out with some one else to break their heart she has now developed Taylor swift syndrome
by Taylor swift syndrome December 11, 2019
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