A wannabe cop. A self-appointed vigilante. Daydreams of rationalized violence in the name of protecting a vulnerable society.
"He was enough of a tin badge to draw hecklers, and he was carrying live ammunition"
by Filto November 8, 2021
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There might be times where a black guy with no badge would have to disarm an officer with a badge to de escalate a dangerous situation, and in the past, those would be times he would be in danger of being shot. In reality, the officer is not always right because he has a badge and a gun.
A black guy (or girl) might not have a badge, but knows right from wrong, and not having a badge doesn't make him/her less qualified as a human to decide what should be done in the same situation where the officer is going for his gun. Wasn't that the point being missed for, really since the start of the country as we know it, the post Indian age?
by Solid Mantis April 21, 2021
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Something about having one does something to the heads of some officers where they think they are qualified to decide whether somebody they don't even know deserves to live or die.
The officer shot her before he even showed her his badge, not that she would've seen it with her back turned.
by Solid Mantis April 21, 2021
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“enjoy Uber”- Jackson stenson
Badge” - Danny Keefer
“On my way”- Jackson stenson
by gorams16371 January 28, 2022
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A small metal designed frepatooky that folks wear on their chest to identify themselves as being in a position of authority or importance.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone September 11, 2018
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The act of doing anything online, be it giving money, buying a certain thing you don't actually need, sending in pictures of yourself doing something stupid, JUST to be assigned a JPEG badge that gets assigned to your account that serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever other than unimpressive bragging-rights
Badge Mentality today has gone crazy, did you know if you don't $100 to SocialMediaCompanyX they give you a "I'm a nice person" badge?
by pswilde October 17, 2022
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