(add name) - ify
{(name varies)-uh-fahy}

—Verb (used with object), -fied, fy-ing.

To manufacture that which (add name) desires.

In other words, when you want something, go after it, and do whatever you have to do to get it.

WARNING: (add name) - ifying might make people see you as a spoiled brat, so make sure you use it to manufacture something that not only helps you, but helps other people as well. If you need help figuring out what types of things you should be (add name) - ifying, read the example below. If you (add name) - ify for a better good, you will be loved!
When Shawn had to teach her calculus class about integrals, she also had to teach the class how to "shawnify," — "(add name) - ify" — by using what they have learned the previous semester.
by CalculusNoob January 11, 2011
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A severe technological/informational overload that, over time, defocuses and numbs individuals such that they fail to close communication loops effectively and/or efficiently and, eventually, in acute cases, fail to respond at all.
The ding-dongs at Time Warner Cable are suffering from Acute Technological ADD. No matter what happens, they never get it right, and they rarely call me back.
by LiveDeliberately January 25, 2011
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When a girl can't keep a guy's attention for more than several days. When you see a friend with a different girl on his arm every week, he is suffering from Advanced Date ADD.
John: Hey Phil, I'd like you to meet Amber.
Phil: Oh, I thought you were with Melissa.
John: Nah.
Phil: That was a week ago. You got that Date ADD, bro.
by massiveness12 April 14, 2014
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when a person cannot choose one song for more then thirty seconds. usually due to being stoned at that time.
Gabbie: India, cant you just pick once song? im tired of only hearing the opening chords!
India: Sorry dude, i got song ADD really bad!
Jake: Thats whet she said!
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The process of adding people on facebook for the sole purpose of facebook stalking. Typically adds someone for a few days then deletes/unfriends them out of curosity.
John: Dude, do you know half the people on your facebook friends list?
Dan: Naa, not really...I just add and sniff.
by cltguy86 March 8, 2011
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When a cat is focused on something such as eating and you are able to move him/her to a different location while only causing the cat to quickly change focus to a different subject.
Roommate: Put the cat down, man, he is eating.
You: I would but I already put him down somewhere else and he fell asleep, I think he has Feline ADD.
by GenderlessMale October 5, 2016
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