To be touched by a pee pee grabber
Fucked by the world

Held down and rapped.
The boss of that level just willy womped me.
by Flipidydonda February 20, 2014
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A golly womp is just a dumb or stupid person, though it can sometimes be quite cute too. It's a word that reflects what it means very well.
Person 1: Oh no, brad ate all the halloween candy
Person 2: He's such a golly womp
by YouknowwhoIamDavid December 27, 2017
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strong, independent, bad bitch. with big clit and no dick.

Chad- “That woman is WOMP woman
Brad- “Did you see Bertha today? She’s such a strong womp woman!!”
by cmoneyganggang April 27, 2019
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A person who plays the "owe me" game in the world of drugs.
My brother John is a real Bunger Womp. John smoked a joint with me 10 yrs. ago and wants repay now because we had a fight over the last chicken nugget.
by skull_krusher April 16, 2017
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(adj.) Being so incredibly wamped that you exceed the state of being nibba high.
I am so wompness right now.
by Yungspecs April 3, 2018
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To be utterly fucked up/obliterated from a drug and or substance.
"dude this cart has me so fuckin womped man"

"bruh after those shots im feelin womped"

"how womped r u man??"
by lmurpdog July 21, 2019
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