A very beautiful and unique girl. She is usually the type that you want to be your girlfriend. But she is very to herself and is lonely but loves it. This Meredith that you want tends to want to be single and focus on herself. You have to fight for her always and never be stupid and mess up
Meredith morris; the beautiful woman that is once and a lifetime
by johnstarks3 October 30, 2020
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Paris is a loud in your face type of girl but that is just a part of who she is! A Paris is a great friend to have and will always have your back. Gain trust in her and she’ll trust the absolute heck out of you! Paris is someone who normally hangs out with guys cause other girls piss her off. Paris is a great girlfriend to have to. She’s very loyal to anyone inportent to her. She’s also very sporty. Don’t get on her bad side cause she’ll destroy you ! She’s also a very pretty girl and they tend to have a nice booty and body. A paris will try new things despite the consequences! She is a dare devil and will always take a dare! She’s a very funny girl and will always make u laugh. She is also a good singer but doesn’t show that. She loves to dance and be centre of attention and the star of the party. If you ever need advice go to her! She’ll always keep your secrets and never judge you. If a paris morris is a bitch to you, it’s not for no reason. You’ve done something to piss her off and if That happens to you be Suddle and go talk to her and sort things out
A paris is very kind and loving. She is very talkitive and never shuts up. She is very smart and is always got good grades! xx most Paris morris’s Tend to be gamer girls.
remember she isn’t afraid to bash a Bitch so don’t get on her bad side (:
Guy 1: wow see paris morris she is amazing
Guy 2: yea to bad she’s got a bf
by Yoheyyoman January 11, 2018
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Unit of measurement of mass, power, amount of food, size, weight.
A mythological creature beyond human comprehension.
Hi I'll have one George Morris please.

Tony consumed a metric George Morris of cans at the weekend.

Police have seized a George Morris of cocaine off the coast of England.

He's a George Morris
by thundercunt101 June 1, 2023
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Cutest giraffe in the world and also the mouth of the south.
She’s an Abigail Morris.
by tallerthanmariana June 19, 2024
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a person also known as a sissy boy who needs to not be a pussy and play darksouls 3.
person 1: yo dude, wanna play some darksouls 3 today?
person 2: nahh man, i'm feeling like a Morris.
by not-so-based-person September 27, 2021
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A being of pure power. Riches rain down from the heavens upon these creatures of majesty. The ruler above all.
"Bow down to the Morrises."
by spiderman_man October 19, 2020
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