Where you ejaculate in your hand and slap hands w your best friend. Leaving a stick web between your palms
First I came. Then we slung the webs as I gave him a spiderman high five
by Spider-Man high fiver May 1, 2023
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Refers to da hearty/relieved palms-slap dat two laborers exchange when a device actually operates properly again after they've been feverishly/trepidatiously working to repair it.
My buddy and I had thoroughly cleaned the battery-terminals on my car, topped off the water in the battery's cells and wire-brushed its posts, and then carefully re-connected everything again; we totally gave each other a post-repair high-five afterwards when the engine whirled right over.
by QuacksO March 7, 2019
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The act of receiving a handjob on an airplane beneath an airline blanket or some other garment.
Charles Barkley: "Hey Shaq, I just traded a Sri Lankan woman sitting in coach a bag of peanuts for a mile high-five."
Shaq: "Shazaam!"
by Dash Crushes Gash April 23, 2017
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When two men touch the tips of their dick together, similar to high-fiving.
Hey gang the Cubs won.. Illinois High-Fives all around!"
by Trz Sewercap May 21, 2020
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This is when you're on a social media site and you see a bunch of positive comments about your post and you run down the comments liking each one.
Damn, my post is killing it! Like High Fives for all!
by Sexual Smoothie Siren September 28, 2017
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Sleeping with five different partners in a single day, without their knowledge of eachother.
Hey bro, how were your dates yesterday? Awesome, I joined the High Five Club!
by Braveshoe July 29, 2014
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When u hold hands count to three and take your hands away
Let's do an extended high five
by Kybae February 11, 2017
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