@notyouramv on instagram
hey you got a lot of talent!”
“but i’m not @notyouramv”
by killiruma March 16, 2020
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Being naturally good at something that makes you unique
by Castane November 29, 2020
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Dude #1: Did you see LeBron last night?!
Dude #2: Yeah, that boy has talent. Basketball has always been his life. It's what he breathes.
by BoneApart216 May 5, 2010
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devonté hynes aka blood orange aka lightspeed champion aka member of the test icicles
devonté hynes can direct, produce, sing, play multiple musical instruments, write, mix, compose, etc. and not to mention he’s got great style. now that is talent.”
by sydknee<3 June 5, 2022
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1. sex or sexual appeal of your preferred sex.
2. to awake from sleep by orgasm.
1. girl: Oh my god! I want his TALENT!

2. person 1: Last night I woke from having a wet dream.

person 2: Whoa! Talent!
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A quality or trait one has that is not common to many others .
"Hey, look at that girl . She has seriously long eye lashes!"
"yup! if only I have such natural talent like her!"
by Oxford-Cambridge- Dictionary January 21, 2018
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