The most sweet caring boy in the entire universe, he’ll do anything for the person that he loves he’s very loving and has good music taste, he usually is very relaxed and down to earth but at the same time very energetic, Reese is very imaginative and creative, they tend to overthink sometimes but just give them your love as they give you theirs and tell them how you really feel be truthful and Reese will stay loyal to you, they give many compliments when they genuinely love someone they always put that person first we all should appreciate Reese if we have him in our life
She’s lucky she has a Reese
by Gamergirlllll November 2, 2019
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A annoying hoe who says that there ugly to fish for compliments and can’t get drake Ingram to think she’s cute.
Reese is a hoe.
by Xylxzlghxuzlyxlyzly March 2, 2020
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freshman, weezer man, hot man, sees goblin man, boifranddd man
dude 1- "yo you see that reese?"
dude 2 - "he being seeing goblin"
dude 1 -"he goin out with that hot chica"
by hotchica2 April 8, 2022
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The best person you’ll ever meet, at first you’ll want to date her and have her to yourself, but you’ll realize that would jeopardize your relationship with her and loosing her would be the worst thing that could happen. Reese is the most trustful and truthful person you will ever meet and you could trust her with your whole life. If you ever meet a Reese don’t loose her.
Reese is the best person I’ve ever met

by westnep000000000 September 9, 2019
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Reese is a rude person, Reese’s tend to be very argumental and won’t ever let things go. Reese either has no friends or has a big group of friends, Reese is alright to date, if your ok with argumentative people like him.
Have u herd what happened with Reese? He won’t let go about what happened it’s been 2 weeks now
by Madman Max October 17, 2021
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Reese is a funny, adorable, and smart guy. You can hang with him when you feel alone. You can count on him to help when you’ve given up. He is one of the most extraordinary things in my life. If you have a boy named Reese in your life, you might know what I mean.I love him so much.

Reese is so beautiful! - HL
Girl 1: “Oh, my goodness. Did you see Reese today?”

Girl 2: “Yea?”

Girl 1: “He was so amazing.”

Girl 2: OwO “Okay?”
by Hippies In The Bathroom March 28, 2019
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It can also be a guy name so if your a guy and your name is Reese good job. Your hot and athletic. And big brain.
Random cunt “Reese is a girl name.”
by Paperplate September 8, 2019
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