When sex is not a high priority and the idea of doing anything but the act is more interesting. This is a multi-use phrase. Having children definately brings on knit a sweater. Dating a prude or someone with no vision absolutely qualifies under knit a sweater. When men use this term it is crucial to understand that someone needs to put them out of their misery immediately. All fabulous people.. honey, knit away.
I think my best friend is going through the knit a sweater phase, because she was mad at me wanting to look sexy for my new boyfriend. The sweatsuit and frizzy hair were also tell-tale signs that I should have shut up talking, but I didn't, and she bit my head off.
by TwoTablesNoTime January 12, 2012
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A phase which a female goes through to achieve either status or security by keeping up with the “trend
Have you seen Rebecca dyed her hair red because all the cool kids are doing it she’s going through her “it girl phase
by Caleb Jeffery April 25, 2023
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The Jojo Siwa Phase is when a little girl (usually the age of 5 to 7) decides to be a dumbass and act like jojo siwa.
Katie: My little sister is going through the Jojo Siwa Phase.

Marley: So?

Katie: She thinks she is jojo and gets the same clothes as her and sings like a pisshead.

Marley: wtf

Also Aiden, Fuck you too.
by theaidsman1776 October 3, 2022
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He was going through a haze phase with his parents.
by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019
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a completely natural, albeit uncomfortable, phase of courtship where a girl who had initially shown interest in a guy during the early talking stages, confusingly and often quite suddenly ghosts him. During this phase, which can last anywhere from a week to a couple of months, there is no communication by the girl to the guy in order for her to determine his level of interest. Very frequently she will ignore any attempts at communication, so much so that should the pair pass by each other, for instance in the dining hall of a college campus, she will offer an apathetic head nod or cold formal “hello”, and leave the guy scratching his head wondering where the hell he went wrong. The guy has 3 options from this point: 1) if he is very interested in her, he may continue pursuing her through this phase, and wait until the phase is over and she resumes normal communication, 2) he can attempt to turn the tables against her and ghost her (thus running the risk of the courtship fizzling out), or 3) he can decide to end his pursuit and move onto the next girl, thus simultaneously ending the courtship and ghost phase. If he has chosen option 1 and continues his pursuit through the ghost phase, he must realize that when the ghost phase eventually terminates, he has played directly into her hands, and she will highly likely utilize his interest to her advantage throughout the later stages of the courtship, throughout the dating phase, and, in due course, during the couples’ marriage!
Mike: sighs
Adam: What's wrong Mike?
Mike: I don't know... it's nothing really... it's just that Claire used to show interest in me but I think I may have blew my chances with her because she has suddenly started ignoring me.
Adam: What happened?
Mike: Earlier this morning, we passed by each other and she just gave me this weird glance and barely acknowledged my existence. I'm confused because she seemed interested up until this point. I'm trying to trace my steps to see where I went wrong.
Adam: chuckles There's no need for that. Trust me I've been in your situation before.
Mike: What do you mean by that?
Adam: puts hand on Mike's shoulder It seems you have entered the ghost phase my friend, godspeed.
by theblackpirate July 5, 2023
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When someone is pregnant.
Carla can't come to the party.She's on her curve phase.
by PhaNSwaG January 10, 2017
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