Not all hero's wear capes, some make college easy and fun
the true hero of mankind, Doc Elder has the greatest history class ever witnessed by students
by a regular noob August 20, 2018
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The roots of this phrase are founded in Alborz High School in Tehran, Iran.

"Chi" can be a suffix to tie a name with a specific profession or commodity, e.g. FarshCHI for a Carpet Merchant. It may have stemmed from the last name of charismatic Alumni with that suffix in their names!

Doc (or Ostad -- Professor) was a common way for students or Alumni to address each other.
Doc Chi as in Doc --Chi where one might insert a nickname for --.

Doc baChi submitted this item :)
by B. Alavi August 15, 2008
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Doc Brown or Doc Browning.
Being really jacked up, jumpy, excited, overwhelmed with crazy uncontrollable joy/nervousness or just really meth'd the fuck out!
Q: Yo, you got any of that Doc Brown left?

A: No
Q: What!? Then why is your homeboy spinning around real fast walking backwards over there building a porch with a fucking umbrella?..... He's Doc Browning like a motherfucker.
by White Hawk1 October 2, 2022
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A cocktail that consists of 2 parts pineapple crush 2 parts Smirnoff vodka and 5 parts codeine. prepared and drank out of a water cooler jug in one chug.
Person 1: Yo, Kaden is making a Doc Dredd!
Person 2: Oh shit, I gotta see this!
by TheRealHazy December 7, 2018
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An annoying Resident/Medical Student or otherwise non-helpful entity that come between the Surgeon and the Surgical Technologist and impedes advancement of the procedure due to their lack of experience.
That new Surgery Resident is a Doc Blocker!!!
by pla-doh November 11, 2018
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