word for stalker, usually talks about creepy old men who look at teenage girls weird.
person 1- "omg look at that dude"

person 2- "ew creeper go away"
by live2die95 March 5, 2010
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Similar to a lurker, but a lot creeper. The difference is, while a lurker can be found in the backgrounds of pictures doing nothing, a creeper can be found in the backgrounds of pictures staring through the window with a creepy creeper smile.
Person: Who's THAT lady?!
Me: Oh, that's just my mom Pat. She's a major creeper. Look at those creeper legs..
by maddyvh January 9, 2009
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adj./n 1. a person who creeps you out. 2. one who tries too hard to fit in. 3.someone who is just plain creepy
"omg, you like sailormoon, what a creeper!"
"can you believe what a creeper he is being today?"
"you can quote emokid by heart, your such a creeper!"
"you eat babies! your a creeper!!!"
"that creeper kid was jumping around to brittanyspears at the party!"
"creeper, get me a rock to hit you with"
by Jami Luper October 5, 2006
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A person who is creepy and makes you uncomfortable for reasons you can't explain
by Sassy212 July 13, 2008
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someone, usually a guy, who hits on/goes out with a younger person, usually a girl.
This can be done for any number of reasons including easiness, inability to get someone your age, and creepiness.
Steve A
Mark: yo is Steve still going out with Amanda?
mark:That 6th grader
Mark:WOW What a creeper
by Mark n' Ryan February 16, 2009
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i am the creeper catch me if you can i am the creeper catch me if you can i am the creeper catch me if you can i am the creeper catch me if you can i am the creeper catch me if you can i am the creeper catch me if you can i am the creeper catch me if you can i am the creeper catch me if you can
by THE REAL CREEPER December 29, 2009
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