When you constantly work and your brain is so hungover you need to take a break and have a "Brain Snack".
Bob: Damn, so much work, I need a brain snack
Bob (Sub conscious): Stop eating you fat slob
by Thar Master October 15, 2015
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When a dancer comes back from a practice and still had a pound of homework to do at like midnight, and their brain feels like it’s melting. You can’t really function and your eyelids feel like your eyes are weightlifting.
Mrs. Smith, I was not able to complete my homework because I had a huge dance brain.
by EyeWeightifting May 16, 2018
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When you are so high in elevation the brain ceases to function at a normal rate. Thus leaving you with dull senses, impaired judgement and stupid grin.
The air is so thin up here that I feel like I have mountain brain.
by mygrubbyglory June 19, 2024
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A blowjob receive by someone immediately after they spit out mint gum. This give you a cold sensation as your gone down on.
I hate bad breathe but damn I had some brutal Freeze Brain last night
by Single.mom.nearby October 6, 2020
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When you never give up and constantly push harder in training.
Guy 1: Usain Bolts a badass, how is he so fast?
Guy 2: It’s that athletes brain bruh
by Cox Connections May 2, 2020
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a word to describe a state when the brain is overworked
I am so brain-peppered right now!
by sooji March 24, 2020
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A brain toot is a random and very odd thought that pops into your head, and often baffles those around you, potentially causing them to think you are a little weird
Bob: “Did you know that plants actually emit a sound that’s akin to screaming when you cut them?”

Joe: “gosh darnit Bob, you brain tooted again”
by Braintoot February 22, 2022
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