The Lee Law describes the natural phenomenon whereby the quality of a game is inversely proportional to level of enthusiasm and excitement displayed by Mr Lee.
Mr Lee: "Yo, you should play: Hypercharged: Unboxed"
Everyone: "This game is shit, Mr Lee, let's play something else, maybe on the Epic Store. I think the Lee Law is in effect here."
by Professor Burt Strontium September 30, 2022
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Your boss' boss.
My boss-in-law called me to get office to see if I would be get inside spy on my boss.
by Ugly IT Chick August 29, 2014
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Law 69 states that if a woman is to pants a man, she must then give him a blowjob.
Yeah man, she totally thought she could pants me, but thanks to Law 69 she had to blow me after!
by DustierPond3 April 23, 2021
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A scientific law explicitly stating that all members of the female race shall be unable to be sexually attracted to any man who has full autonomous control of their eyebrows. This does not hold true for any relationship that remains at a platonic level, such as friendships, or even jogging buddies. Predates his first law of gas, grass, or ass: no one rides for free
Player 1: Man, that dude's eyebrows are going everywhere! he's even doing the wave!

Player 2: He probably suffers from veselekov's zeroth law
by veselekov October 14, 2012
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