when you're not able to reach the restrooms in time, then that's how your briefs look
Chorlie didn't make it to the loo after having chili for supper. Now you dumbass got a real PANORAMA IN YA PANTS
by Candyman Can June 23, 2018
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To define something that has that va va voom be it an item, place, person, music etc.

Let the juices flow

Guy 'Have you heard the latest Foo Fighter album?'
Girl 'Hella YEAH. It was like a river rapids in my pants!'

To add extra emphasis, give an example such as

"Ocean's 11/ level 5 Tsunami"

For the cock rockers out there "flooded my Calvin's" could also be smashed out.
by marhav May 20, 2011
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Sweatpants. Typically sold at Walmart and worn by many Walmart customers.
Boyfriend: Babe, are you ready to go to the grocery store?
Girlfriend: Not if you're wearing those Walmart pants!
Boyfriend: What's wrong with my sweatpants?
Girlfriend: You're going out in public, try to dress like a mature adult.
by escyr April 16, 2022
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When someone stands from a sitting position and you smell ripe ass
Did you smell Geno when he got up , all I smelled was ripe as s he got a major case of jogging pants butt
by biffster73 October 25, 2017
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SWAT pants.

Many confuse this with pants that actual SWAT forces wears, but it has a very different definition.
SWAT pants are pants that are worn by drug dealers, terrorists, and others who do criminal activities.

SWAT pants are basically sweatpants, but are worn, when you know you there is a chance to be SWAT'd in the near future. (because you are a criminal, duuuhhh). This is because sweatpants are very comfortable, and are very handy because you will most likely end up for a couple hours in a police station, before they give you your jaily new official criminal uniform. (Which you will proudly wear in jail).
I use wear normal pants, but after becoming a terrorist, I now wear SWAT pants, so I am comfortably prepared for the SWAT team.
by Helkor December 31, 2016
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A fictional version of pants where instead of fabric, they’re made of hamburgers. Hamburger pants are said to be made out of stacked Big Macs that are glued together with cheese.
Elliot is sitting in front of Milo in art class, staying silent until he utters the name of the most disgraceful piece of clothing ever imagined, “Hamburger pants.” Milo stares at him in shock and fear, trembling in his seat as Elliot laughs maniacally.
by Freddy Fazchair October 9, 2023
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Pants that one can lounge in, but not lounge pants. Pants for kicking back, lighting up and mellowing out. Comfort is prime, but style a close second.
"Hey Trav, those are chiller pants, boy! Let's go couch-surfing!"
by Juan Abee November 18, 2009
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