The act of a male inserting his penis into a women's vagina after pulling it out of her anus. Presumably there is fecal matter on the man's penis, which ultimately makes its way to the woman's vagina.
Mike 1: Some bitch wanted me to pound her ass last night.
Mike 2: How'd it go?
Mike 1: Pretty nasty in fact, she tapped out after like 3 seconds but I made sure I got my nut by giving her the old muddy snapper. I then doused my cock in Clorox.
by Mike and Mike the Accountants September 15, 2017
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The vagina of a redheaded woman
You know that blonde girl I'm dating, turns out she has a cinnamon snapper!
by sue-donnim December 4, 2015
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One who sends a snapchat to all of his or her contacts.
Jules sent me this wicked snap!

Yeah I got the same one, what a blanket snapper!
by Coop Sm1th February 24, 2017
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Adj. Used to describe extremely pronounced or large labia majora, or a woman possessing them.
"Whoa, would you look at the snapper flappers on her!"
by June 5, 2023
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Term for a woman in alaska that just spends a couple of years fucking and telling a man that she loves him only to take all he owns after she finds one of his friends that has more than her man does and go Fuck him for a few more years and on and on
I hope the polar bears start eating all these alakskan clam snapper up so there's not another season of Alaskan broke bachelor on the heartbreak channel
by Nipple nose October 31, 2017
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A drink of liquor. While the term 'sip' is used within the word, generally a sipper-snapper can be a drink as large as a 711 Big Gulp cup.
Jesus: Yo whats good with those bitches?

Dennis: They wanna chill around 11 tonight at some ritzy ass club, we should go grab some cheap sipper-snappers before we go to save some money.
by dmo86 April 2, 2011
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