Fod- The uk term for forehead

Fod Slap- To slap someones forehead (which can turn into a war of fod slapping)

Best done on randomers walking down the street, then run!
Dude 1: Look at the size of her fod!

Dude 2: Damn That things huge!

Dude 1: I think i'm going to Fod slap that dude over there!
by OprahsAnalBeads October 22, 2008
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Pistol Whip's Lil Cousin. When you don't wanna hurt em to bad , you give them a lil "Yistol Slap".
Jaquarrious - "Ayo, my bitch azz blood cousin stole from me! Not gone lie I'm hot"

DTownCrazy - "You finna pistol whip him like you did HSideChoppa???!!! "

Jaquarrious - "Hell nall blood, I made dat boi bleed out his ears. I'm finna YISTOL SLAPP, my luh cuzz to teach him a lesson!"
by Alpha Male OG 90s Baby June 29, 2022
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When a comedian disses your wife at the awards show and you assault them with a Rock Knock on live TV.
"Chris earned a Smith Slap when he made fun of Jada. Man imma watch the Oscars every year now!"
by Kat'O9 March 28, 2022
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A phrase for masturbating (used for females) but if your parents ask it’s about the meme pepe
Dang I can’t wait till I get home so I can slap the frog
by Queentea13 March 14, 2019
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when u slap someone’s pussy and ass at the same time
“omg today khushi sandwich slapped me so hard my fat vag and my thicccc ass are sore”
by jimenarayloveskush September 29, 2019
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It’s a spinning back fist but with a large cock or strap on
Omg Jon Jones just landed a BANIC SLAP ,that’s it ,it hurt em ,it’s allll over - in joe Rogan voice
by CatsmasherTim August 5, 2018
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A Certified Slap is a song that goes on your playlist for best rap songs ever. A Certified Slap consists of just dirty beats and the Hook is 2 Legit 2 quit. A Slap is known as a really good song, but a Certified Slap is just dirty. A Certified Slap is not played at places like LA BOOM. It is best to play a Certified Slap while driving hot bitches around in your car. Especially the freshmen who go to the all girls schools who are always horny as fuck for your sausegeeee.
"This song I keep listening to is definitely on my list of Certified Slaps. It's just dirty."
by blakewhatabeast November 22, 2011
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