A term from Lady GaGa's song "Bad Romance".
No one is really sure what it means, but it sure does sound pretty cool.

In the music video she grabs her crotch region when she says that phrase, giving it a sexual connotation.
"I want your drama, the touch of your hand, i want your leather studded kiss in the sand" - Lady GaGa
by skankhoprostitute January 25, 2010
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A reference to gay men in leather pants or chaps (or a leather skirt, for that matter). Primarily found in gay nigtclubs looking to find "a real thweet fwiend." First known use of this phrase is accredited to Kevin "Bloody" Wilson, an Aussie comic.
" We were so pissed I didn't realized we'd stumbled in to a poofters bar. While me mate was odering up a another round of piss, I noticed that we were surrounded by a bunch of leather clad tail gunners."
by A "Bloody" Fan November 23, 2005
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Sit down in a reclinable armchair and proceed to have sex with your partner. Right before you finish, suddenly recline the armchair backwards while simoultaniously sitting upright, headbutting your partner as hard as you can in order to knock them out. Remove yourself from under them, but keep them laying face down in the armchair. Write the name of your closest bro on their buttcheeks then leave the scene. From that point on, have your bro claim he was the one who did it to your partner.
Girl: Did you leave me to die on that armchair?

Bro: What are you talking about?

Best Bro: Nope, I did that.

Girl: Bob Saget in a leather jacket!
by Ifknizzle October 26, 2011
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In the fupa of some formally pregant women, the skin is not taunt and hangs like a kangaroo pouch. It also appears to look stretched out and extremely wrinkly, similar to leather to the eyes in some extreme cases.
Sarah was such a dime till she got knocked up. No that she had that kid she has that nasty wrinkly leather kangaroo pouch.
by Maximillion Pegasus April 10, 2010
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an online personality arch type similar to the creepy guy in the leather jacket smoking rolled cigarettes in the park or outside old pubs......... he has no friends and only bitter memories
'some online leather jacket guy started talking to me but mid sentence trailed off and started to cry'


'why does this guy sound like he's wearing a leather jacket and being sad outside a pub?'
by C. clarke July 16, 2014
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the equipment used by a male to impregnate a female and also to have a piss!
also known as a penis, cock, knob, willy, dick, tadger, jolly rodger, sausage, meat, beef, one eyed snake and trumpet!!!
by GAZ September 21, 2004
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the male sits in somewhat of a laying motion on a leather chair with a leather ottoman approximately 1 to 2 feet away....the male rests his legs up on the ottoman while the female strattles his cock standing in between the chair and ottoman....she hops on to the stick, and rides as she pleases, possessing the most tremendous orgasm of her life.
me and this girl did the leather chair ottoman stick ride once and she moaned like a dying squirrel.
by Jack Growlithe April 5, 2011
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