This word is used to show superiority to people (money, social status, etc) instead of using bitch to refer to a person as a female dog
sup bish (shows money) want sum fuk
by datboilol420 March 28, 2018
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If u see ur enemy and u can't cuss just say bish :'3
Omg ur sucha bish U-U
by some gurl named riri :'3 July 2, 2021
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If ur bestie/ friend gets chu angry and I can't cuss just call them a bish :'3
by some gurl named riri :'3 July 2, 2021
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Stupid girl walkin round thinking she cute , yet she look like a donky
Yo she a bish wit her stupid jimmy chu shoes
by K05K19 November 28, 2017
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Another word for b*tch often used when someone is not trying to actually swear but still wants the person to know what they mean
"Bish did u see what he did that day?"
"Bish shut up"
"Bish what-?
by #MaTeRiAl GRuL January 18, 2022
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an incorrect spelling of bitch, often used when texting.
someone acting stupid but really not that stupid
omg ur a bish.
shut up you bish.
by definitely not a normie July 16, 2021
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The word Bish means many things, if you think it is like a very sassy person saying bi*ch. If you dont, or not aloud to cuss then that is the word. It normally is used when horsplaying and you are sarcastic when saying bi*ch.
Bish, how dare you touch me. Like omg bish, dont touch me again. T_T (Flips hair, puts hands on hips)
by KasunaT_T November 24, 2021
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