laid back and proud of their red hair. Have the BEST souls. If you meet one your lucky because in 100 years their race will be wiped out. You can tell a ginger from a fake one so you fakes better watch out gingers are protective of their red hair. Oh, and never mistake a ginger with a blonde.
i met some gingers yesturday they were hilarious!

awh i wish i was a ginger :(
by kitties18 April 21, 2010
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Ginger is a normal race of humans beings, if not superior to the rest. Many people like to lie about, however everything is untrue. Gingers are always normal people and don't deserve racial discrimination, like muslims, jews and black people do. However, one thing is certain, be careful their magical powers because if you piss them off they might attack and savagely rape and kill you. Gingers are beautiful and sexy people who have incredible personallities. South Park is a bullshit TV show that makes fun of gingers for nothing.A common word for ginger in french is "roux"red hair
Guy1: hey mister ginger, you are a fuckin asshole.
Ginger: You didnt just say that, u fat jew.
Ginger beats the crap out of guy
by KrazyGinga June 8, 2007
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An irresistible attraction to a person with the MC1R gene. Two classic signs that a person has become afflicted with this disease are the inability to stay away from a ginger whom they have become attached to and a person feels a sense of pride from being selected by the ginger. A person's true nature is revealed as a ginger can see straight into their soul…leaving a feeling of nakedness and exposure with the afflicted. Currently this illness is terminal and there is no cure.
'Gingeritis is the best disease ever!'
by bookwormmama February 8, 2016
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The things Hitler had mistaken for Jews.
Gingers: they're cunts.
by therealadamsandler76 May 28, 2020
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Racist faggot that calls people bean/beaners
The ginger called a Mexican a bean/beaner
by Gingers are racist July 5, 2022
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a race that has no soul
dude1: Wow he is a ginger

dude2: that means he hs no soul
by bigboy 223 October 26, 2018
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When you fall for a ginger or have a preference for gingers.
Ben: You know that ginger in our math class is really cute
Kevin: You mean Ellie?
Ben: Yeah
Kevin: Well i guess you have gingeritis
by Sodapop Curtisss November 26, 2015
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