
Looking/dressing convincingly womanly or even girly. Completely passable as a woman
Rupaul: I’m giving fishy, feminine, and fun tonight in this gown!!

Rupaul: you need to look more fishy your outfit is reading..boy
by Mrs Kasha Davis September 26, 2023
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Pronounced (fee-she). An adjective used for any person or action that has the qualities of James Fischer.
That’s so fishy.
by Stumble Jill May 12, 2022
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A smell that makes you gag, unless you're really horny and need to get in that hoes pussy.
"Something smells fishy..." InHaLeS
"Thats my vagina, I haven't showered since last Chanukah"

by SpaghettiSupreme June 20, 2018
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Something a guy calls a girl referring to her as a slut, hoe or hore.
Guy one- “Damn that girl is such a fishy.”
Guy two- “I’m sure you’d know.”
by 123unknown456 April 28, 2019
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Fishy is terms of LGBT terms means, Someone that looks like the opposite sex… if that makes since ? Girl u straights gotta re-up on yall vocab !
che gives fish, shes a fishy queen
by thats gworl January 18, 2022
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A smell that smells bad kinda like u cut a fish open u just fished out of the water
This girl opened hee legs and someone said wtf somebody fishy
by Love Jesus always March 14, 2018
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A word typically used in the drag community where a drag queen looks so much like a women they could pass off as one (while in drag)
Courtney act is so fishy she could basically be a women
by Oh my mymy December 6, 2016
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