Achieving the final form for a playlist, one that you can press shuffle and not having to skip.
Kyle: Hey Steven, check out my playlist
Steven: Holy crap, this shit is a perfect playlist
by Prof.Bacon December 5, 2021
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ShadowBinder someone who is so perfect that the word perfect can't describe her, my wifey, fav mod, and someone I'd die for in a heartbeat
by Marbleous February 11, 2021
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Derived from a “ perfect il succione”. (Italian pronounciation) also known as, a “perfect Il” or “ il sux” The art of a perfect blowjob.
The perfection about it would be described as a long lasting almost instantaneous climax which makes the reciever tremble in euphoria. Equivalent to the quiver of a woman when she reaches her highest point.
Recipient will have to come to a fight or flight decision to make, as the euphoric rush will tempt him to resist the giver finishing her/his perfect task. The person in question will occasionally recieve the title or nickname “Kirby” after being renown for this extraordinary feat.
“Her il’s are perfect man I’m telling you, not a drop was wasted on this cum guzzler.”

It’s almost that time of the year again.
“What would you like for Christmas honey?”
“A perfect il succione will suffice my love, and after that.. I’ll take you out to dinner.”

This prostitute who went by the name of Kirby got me the surprise of a lifetime. Her sucktion was so strong I had to marry her instantly.
by The stimulation theory. September 6, 2022
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The be perfect beyond mortal perfection. To achieve perfection at a level uncomprehendable to mere mortal men.
Chris breeds super-perfection
by Someguynamedjames July 4, 2009
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My world. My everything. The love and light of my life. The person I wanna be with forever. I love him so much omg omg omg he is so perfect and handsome and adorable and I love him.
Mae’s boyfriend Sam really is the most perfect boy ever to live. I’m glad she knows it.
by StrawberryS33d February 13, 2023
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Martiinus Gunnarsen
Martinus is perfect boy
by solkrem April 25, 2019
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The opposite of perfect is Kelton Crawford he is such a fuck up literally no one likes him not even his family or friends hes an abberisment to everyone and will never have his own family or house and hardly even a high school education
The opposite of perfect is Kelton Crawford he is such a fuck up literally no one likes him not even his family or friends

"Eww why is he so ugly and fat he doesn't even have a neck"
"Why are most of his friends girls that's weird"

"Kelton is such a retard he's in 30-4 I didn't even know 30-3 was a thing"

"He's never going to be successful, have a family or own his own house"

"Kelton is such an abbericmant to his family"

"Guys got more chins then a Chinese phone book"

"Ewww why is he so ugly I wouldn't touch him with a 10ft pole

He has such a small dick I guess it matches his brain"
by brawadis December 9, 2019
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