In the context of the TV-series "Z Nation", the phrase "dance space" is used metaphorically by Murphy to assert his personal boundaries and ask for some personal space. It's a humorous way of telling the zombies to back off and give him some room to breathe.

In general, the term "dance space" is not a commonly used expression in everyday language. However, it draws upon the idea of personal boundaries and the distance people need to feel comfortable and respected by others during social interactions. It could be applied in various situations where someone wants others to give them some space, physically or emotionally.
Imagine you are at a crowded party, and you find yourself surrounded by people trying to engage you in conversation or dance with you. You might say, "Hey, guys, I need my dance space for a bit. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Let me catch my breath, and then we can chat later."
by July 24, 2023
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n the context of the TV-series "Z Nation", the phrase "dance space" is used metaphorically by Murphy to assert his personal boundaries and ask for some personal space. It's a humorous way of telling the zombies to back off and give him some room to breathe.

In general, the term "dance space" is not a commonly used expression in everyday language. However, it draws upon the idea of personal boundaries and the distance people need to feel comfortable and respected by others during social interactions. It could be applied in various situations where someone wants others to give them some space, physically or emotionally.
Imagine you are at a crowded party, and you find yourself surrounded by people trying to engage you in conversation or dance with you. You might say, "Hey, guys, I need my dance space for a bit. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Let me catch my breath, and then we can chat later."
by Davellin July 24, 2023
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A dance move. Created by an user of the app Tik Tok called syd, known most as punker irl.

Dancing in cursive is dancing like a cursive letter. Like if you were a worm dying. Or something like that.
-Did you saw that months ago Syd and JeyJey made a tik tok chain while they were cursive dancing?

-yes! It’s sad that it ended.
by Benjeyshoe July 30, 2019
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The dance performed when attempting to obtain or improve cell phone signal, a.k.a tha Cell Phone Samba
Wait, lemme do the signal dance... Is this better???
by Lestat II November 7, 2010
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A term used to define that one friend in your group who cannot dance to save their lives.
John: Oh God, Ricky's about to start dancing
*Ricky does some lame ass dance move*
John: He's such a break dancing bowser
by NasaGal March 6, 2019
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The Jesse dance is a tango type dance where you put your hands in the front and wiggle you feet and legs and have your hands synced together with your feet and hand
Wow that dude is doing the Jesse dance!
by TangoMaMan June 16, 2024
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April 15th day where are you give Somebody a lap dance
Jj was in a chair and was given a lap dance from Ella on April 15th on national lap dance day
by iiammtayyy April 12, 2019
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